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Steve Jablonsky - Lone Survivor (+ Explosions In The Sky) (Soundtrack)

21 декабря 2013 г.
Жанр: Soundtrack
1. Explosions in the Sky - Warriors (2:25)
2. Explosions in the Sky - Waking Up (4:51)
3. Explosions in the Sky - Briefing (3:19)
4. Explosions in the Sky - Seal Credo / Landing (4:00)
5. Explosions in the Sky - Checkpoints (4:56)
6. Steve Jablonsky - The Goat Herders (5:34)
7. Explosions in the Sky - The Decision (4:54)
8. Explosions in the Sky - Set Them Free (2:25)
9. Explosions in the Sky - False Summit (3:03)
10. Explosions in the Sky - Murphy's Ridge (5:41)
11. Steve Jablonsky - 47 Down (2:23)
12. Explosions in the Sky - Axe (1:52)
13. Explosions in the Sky - QRF En Route (2:17)
14. Explosions in the Sky - Hunted (0:51)
15. Explosions in the Sky - Gulab (2:02)
16. Explosions in the Sky - Near Beheading (2:33)
17. Explosions in the Sky - A Storm Is Coming (2:07)
18. Steve Jablonsky - Letter Received / Taliban Attacks (3:52)
19. Steve Jablonsky - Lone Survivor (3:38)
20. Explosions in the Sky - Never, Never, Never Give Up (2:44)
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Рецензия: Татьяна Кушнер - Mannequin
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