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Eels - Cautionary Tales Of Mark Oliver Everett (Album)

17 апреля 2014 г.
Жанр: Indie Rock

Disc 1

1. Where I'm At (1:42)
2. Parallels (3:16)
3. Lockdown Hurricane (3:30)
4. Agatha Chang (3:28)
5. A Swallow in the Sun (3:37)
6. Where I'm From (2:49)
7. Series of Misunderstandings (3:23)
8. Kindred Spirit (2:54)
9. Gentlemen's Choice (2:36)
10. Dead Reckoning (2:28)
11. Answers (2:39)
12. Mistakes of My Youth (4:57)
13. Where I'm Going (3:04)

Disc 2

1. To Dig It (0:30)
2. Lonesome Lockdown Hurricane (3:27)
3. Bow Out (2:46)
4. A Good Deal (3:09)
5. Good Morning Bright Eyes (2:41)
6. Millicent Don't Blame Yourself (2:46)
7. Thanks I Guess (2:59)
8. On the Ropes (Live WNYC) (3:19)
9. Accident Prone (Live WNYC) (2:56)
10. I'm Your Brave Little Soldier (Live WNYC) (2:35)
11. Fresh Feeling (Live KCRW) (3:52)
12. Trouble with Dreams (Live KCRW) (3:41)
13. Oh Well (Live KCRW) (3:35)
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Рецензия: W.A.S.P. - Babylon
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