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Amanda Palmer - An Evening With Neil Gaiman And Amanda Palmer (Live)

19 ноября 2013 г.
Жанр: Alternative Rock, Punk, Cabaret

Disc 1

1. My Last Landlady (6:32)
2. The Rhyme Maidens (5:10)
3. The Day the Saucers Came (2:53)
4. Feminine Endings (15:39)
5. The Winter Gardens (0:53)
6. In Relig Odhráin (4:59)
7. The View From the Cheap Seats (11:53)
8. I Will Write in Words of Fire (1:53)
9. The Man Who Forgot Ray Bradbury (13:58)
10. Making a Chair (2:23)
11. 100 Words (0:57)

Disc 2

1. Introduction to the Show… (2:24)
2. Makin' Whoopee! (3:42)
3. Introduction to "The Problem with Saints" (3:18)
4. The Problem With Saints (2:45)
5. Jump (2:54)
6. Ask Neil and Amanda (9:12)
7. Introduction to "Broken Heart Stew" (1:34)
8. Broken Heart Stew (2:58)
9. Poem for Amanda (2:08)
10. Poem for Neil (3:09)
11. Electric Blanket (with Jason Webley) (6:41)
12. Psycho (4:01)
13. (Introduction to "I Google You") (3:01)
14. I Google You (3:29)

Disc 3

1. I Want You, but I Don't Need You (5:36)
2. Introduction to "Dear Old House" (1:47)
3. Dear Old House (5:46)
4. Introduction to "Gaga, Palmer, Madonna: A Polemic" (1:51)
5. Gaga, Palmer, Madonna: A Polemic (2:53)
6. Introduction to "Judy Blume" (1:30)
7. Judy Blume (6:35)
8. I Don't Care Much (feat. Lance Horne) (4:24)
9. Map of Tasmania (3:07)
10. Introduction to "Do You Swear to Tell the Truth" (1:07)
11. Do You Swear to Tell the Truth (4:34)
12. Introduction to "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" (2:15)
13. I Will Follow You Into the Dark (4:59)
14. Look Mummy, No Hands (6:20)
15. Ukulele Anthem (5:38)
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