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Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights (10h Anniversary Edition) (Album)

3 декабря 2012 г.
Жанр: Alternative Rock

Disc 1

1. Untitled (3:56)
2. Obstacle 1 (4:11)
3. NYC (4:19)
4. PDA (5:00)
5. Say Hello to the Angels (4:28)
6. Hands Away (3:05)
7. Obstacle 2 (3:47)
8. Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down (6:28)
9. Roland (3:35)
10. The New (6:07)
11. Leif Erikson (4:00)

Disc 2

1. Interlude (iTunes single) (1:00)
2. Specialist (Interpol EP) (6:39)
3. PDA (First demo, 1998) (4:44)
4. Roland (First demo, 1998) (3:44)
5. Get the Girls (First demo, 1998) (3:47)
6. Precipitate (2nd demo, 1999) (5:33)
7. Song Seven (2nd demo, 1999) (4:43)
8. A Time to Be So Small (2nd demo, 1999) (5:46)
9. Untitled (Third demo, 2001) (4:12)
10. Stella (Third demo, 2001) (6:39)
11. NYC (Third demo, 2001) (4:26)
12. Leif Erikson (Third demo, 2001) (4:27)
13. Gavilan (Cubed) (Third demo, 2001) (6:48)
14. Obstacle 2 (Peel session, 2001) (3:53)
15. Hands Away (Peel session, 2001) (3:09)
16. The New (Peel session, 2001) (5:59)
17. NYC (Peel session, 2001) (4:17)
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Рецензия: AC/DC - Rock or Bust
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