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Gothsicles - Animal Addendum (WEB)

2 июля 2021 г.
Жанр: Industrial, Electro
1. Howler Monkey (feat. Choke Chain) (3:28)
2. Mudskipper (3:45)
3. Viva La Vaquita (2:45)
4. Go-Away-Bird (Fakzility Remix) (4:13)
5. Vampire Squid (Robots with Rayguns Remix) (4:11)
6. Gila Monsters (Batavia Remix) (4:39)
7. Lungfish (Suriseva Remix) (3:35)
8. Naked Mole-Rat (Pink and Furtive) (Syrinx's Activity Rhythm Mix) (feat. FIRES) (3:32)
9. Rock the Quokka (Antibody Remix) (3:20)
10. Stag Beetle Professional Wrestling (Beta Virus Remix) (3:44)
11. A Coterie of Goats in Trees (Isserley Remix) (feat. Databomb) (2:27)
12. Axolotl Super Powers (Sawtooth's the Salamanders Have Come to take Back What's Theirs Mix) (feat. MC Lars) (3:02)
13. Naked Mole-Rat (Pink and Furtive) (Chaos Tracer Remix) (feat. FIRES) (3:12)
14. Go-Away-Bird (Lights Out, God Help Me's Electronic Birdie Music Mix) (3:26)
15. Lungfish (Psy'Aviah Remix) (4:20)
16. Rock the Quokka (Karkasaurus Remix) (4:05)
17. A Coterie of Goats in Trees (Y-LUK-O's Billygoatgruff Remix) (feat. Databomb) (3:54)
18. Stag Beetle Professional Wrestling (Dummy Plug Conspiracy Remix) (4:38)
19. Vampire Squid (Abbey Death - Vampyr Remix) (3:50)
20. Straight Up Otter Time (Cell Zero Mix) (4:15)
21. Lungfish (Landscape Body Machine's Saturday Night's Alright for a Fish Fight Mix) (4:35)
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Рецензия: Apparat - Krieg und Frieden (Music For Theatre)
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