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Lisa Gerrard - Oranges And Sunshine (Soundtrack)

Жанр: Soundtrack, Tribal, Ambient
1. Margaret Arrives (1:52)
2. Please Don't Take Her (0:49)
3. A Haunting Photo (0:44)
4. Could Be Just Coincidence (1:14)
5. We Can Trace Her Journey (1:16)
6. Off to Melbourne (2:10)
7. An Emptiness in Me (2:19)
8. It's Been in the Papers (1:13)
9. A Proper Christmas Dinner (2:55)
10. Christmas Is Cancelled (1:37)
11. Jack Arrives (1:48)
12. What Was She Like? (1:33)
13. Cleaning Out the Rubbish at Bindoon (2:07)
14. The Monster Living in Your Head (1:41)
15. In Loving Memory (1:07)
16. They Just Want to Know (1:04)
17. Have That or My Loyalty (3:18)
18. I'll Rip You Apart (0:59)
19. You Needed Me Here (1:00)
20. I Can't Breathe (1:49)
21. Together Mother & Daughter (0:59)
22. Journey to Bindoon (1:58)
23. Who Was Crucified? (2:06)
24. Have I Frightened You? (3:18)
25. Let the Rest Go (4:52)
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Рецензия: Depeche Mode - Delta Machine
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