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Eels - Royal Albert Hall (Live)

13 апреля 2015 г.
Жанр: Indie Rock

Disc 1

1. Where I'm At (2:22)
2. When You Wish Upon a Star (1:56)
3. The Morning (1:50)
4. Parallels (3:08)
5. [addressing the royal audience] (3:23)
6. Mansions of Los Feliz (2:56)
7. My Timing Is Off (2:59)
8. A Line in the Dirt (3:35)
9. Where I'm From (3:18)
10. It's a Motherfucker (2:24)
11. Lockdown Hurricane (3:34)
12. A Daisy Through Concrete (3:15)
13. [introducing the band] (3:25)
14. Grace Kelly Blues (3:10)
15. Fresh Feeling (3:40)

Disc 2

1. I Like Birds (2:33)
2. My Beloved Monster (3:10)
3. Gentlemen's Choice (2:49)
4. Mistakes of My Youth / Wonderful, Glorious (6:01)
5. Where I'm Going (4:08)
6. I Like the Way This Is Going (2:50)
7. Blinking Lights (For Me) (2:11)
8. Last Stop: This Town (4:01)
9. The Beginning (2:39)
10. Can't Help Falling in Love (2:34)
11. Turn on Your Radio (3:24)
12. Flyswatter (1:10)
13. The Sound of Fear (1:29)
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