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Manufactura - And The World Succumbs To Vermin (Album)

31 декабря 2020 г.
Жанр: Rhythmic Noise, Industrial
1. One Dream at a Time Until We Run Out Dreams (15:53)
2. For the Vendors of Idols Are the Onset of Vandals (8:10)
3. Their Worthless Love Has Poisoned Our Hearts (11:08)
4. As the World Incinerates, for the Very Last Time (7:49)
5. Our Prophetic Dreams Entwine With Déjà Vu (11:49)
6. Resembling the Last Vestiges of Substance (10:54)
7. In This, the Time of Plague and Pestilance (10:23)
8. They Embrace the Harbingers of Non-Existence (10:09)
9. And Hope Dissipates in Every Way (8:33)
10. Nos entregamos a los angeles de la muerte sagrada (10:17)
11. Before Your Last Breath, May This Be Your Comfort in the End (15:02)
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Рецензия: Loc-Dog - Себе не ври
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