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Jesper Kyd - Borderlands 3: Guns, Love And Tentacles (Soundtrack)

31 марта 2020 г.
Жанр: Soundtrack
1. Jesper Kyd - The Ice Desert of Xylourgos (3:26)
2. Jesper Kyd - The Nomads of Skittermaw (3:25)
3. Jesper Kyd - The Rage of the Skittermaw Nomads (3:00)
4. Jesper Kyd - Arrival at Cursehaven (3:18)
5. Jesper Kyd - The Unwelcome Cursehaven (3:05)
6. Jesper Kyd - Cursehaven Has a Secret (3:34)
7. Jesper Kyd - The Posession of Wainwright (1:26)
8. Jesper Kyd - The Lodge (2:07)
9. Jesper Kyd - The Ritual (3:41)
10. Jesper Kyd - The Archive (3:22)
11. Jesper Kyd - Archive Hostiles 1 (2:55)
12. Leonhard van Voorst - Archive Hostiles 2 (2:55)
13. Leonhard van Voorst - The Keeper of the Archive (2:57)
14. Jesper Kyd - Entering the Cankerwood (3:11)
15. Jesper Kyd - Trouble in the Cankerwood (3:00)
16. Jesper Kyd - Deep in the Cankerwood (3:09)
17. Jesper Kyd - Windigo Emerges (3:11)
18. Jesper Kyd - Eridian Ruins (1:59)
19. Leonhard van Voorst - Negul Neshai (3:22)
20. Leonhard van Voorst - Fighting in the Peaks of Negul Neshai (3:08)
21. Leonhard van Voorst - Deathtrap’s Savior (2:20)
22. Jesper Kyd - Heart of the Mountain (3:15)
23. Jesper Kyd - Guns and Tentacles (4:41)
24. Leonhard van Voorst - Eleanor Greets You (4:05)
25. Leonhard van Voorst - Vincent Joins the Fray (2:07)
26. Jesper Kyd - Shattered Hearts (1:22)
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