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Grendel - Inhumane Amusement At The End Of Ages: Redux (Album)

1 марта 2019 г.
Жанр: EBM, Industrial
1. Intro (0:15)
2. Strangers (5:46)
3. Grendel (4:28)
4. EVP (4:49)
5. Red Rum (4:49)
6. Lust (3:49)
7. Corroding Conscience (instrumental) (4:39)
8. Nothing Like Senses (3:40)
9. Controlled Pain (3:50)
10. Demands (4:12)
11. In Solitude (6:19)
12. Corroding Conscience (Sektor 0 Remix) (4:23)
13. End of Ages (4:31)
14. Catastrophe (4:41)
15. Contorted Angel (5:25)
16. Human Saviour (4:52)
17. Noisome (5:10)
18. End of Ages (Arzt + Pfusch Remix) (6:27)
19. Corroding Conscience (Feindflug Remix) (4:32)
20. End of Ages (God Module Remix) (4:57)
21. Contorted Angel (Red Sgmnt Remix) (5:32)
22. End of Ages (Lights of Euphoria Remix) (5:24)
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Рецензия: Dolphin - Андрей
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