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Jeff Williams - RWBY: Vol. 3 Soundtrack (Soundtrack)

4 мая 2016 г.
Жанр: Free Jazz, Contemporary Jazz
1. When It Falls (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (3:26)
2. I'm the One (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (3:41)
3. It's My Turn (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (4:27)
4. Not Fall in Love with You (3:49)
5. Neon (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (2:55)
6. Mirror Mirror Part II (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (3:59)
7. Divide (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (3:40)
8. Cold (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (3:26)
9. Time to Say Goodbye (Acoustic) (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (5:29)
10. It's My Turn (James Landino Remix) (feat. Casey Lee Williams) (3:48)
11. Qrow vs Winter (2:41)
12. R.W.B.Y. vs F.N.K.I. (4:11)
13. S.S.S.N. vs N.D.G.O. (feat. Alex Abraham) (3:37)
14. When It Falls (V.S.Q) (2:00)
15. World of Remnant 1 (feat. Alex Abraham) (2:00)
16. World of Remnant 2 (feat. Alex Abraham) (2:03)
17. World of Remnant 3 (feat. Alex Abraham) (2:35)
18. World of Remnant 4 (feat. Alex Abraham) (6:00)
19. Round One (5:04)
20. New Challengers... (feat. Alex Abraham) (5:04)
21. It's Brawl in the Family (feat. Alex Abraham) (4:19)
22. Alex Abraham - Lessons Learned (feat. Steve Goldshein, Jeff Williams) (3:55)
23. Alex Abraham - Never Miss a Beat (feat. Steve Goldshein, Jeff Williams) (1:51)
24. Fall (feat. Alex Abraham) (6:33)
25. Alex Abraham - Beginning of the End (feat. Steve Goldshein, Jeff Williams) (5:37)
26. Destiny (feat. Alex Abraham) (7:47)
27. Alex Abraham - PvP (feat. Steve Goldshein, Jeff Williams) (8:53)
28. Alex Abraham - Battle of Beacon (feat. Steve Goldshein, Jeff Williams) (8:29)
29. Alex Abraham - Heroes and Monsters (feat. Mason Lieberman, Jeff Williams) (9:53)
30. End of the Beginning (feat. Alex Abraham) (10:29)
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Рецензия: Saxon - Into The Labyrinth
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